How Peter the Possum Man Can Help
Overall it is better to be proactive when proofing your solar panels as it is more cost efficient for you in the long term. Excluding birds and possums from getting under the solar panels today, and reducing the tendency for them to stay on your roof, means lessening the likelihood of double-handling the task later on by having to remove the pests and then proofing to eliminate their return. Peter the Possum & Bird Man has a team of people experienced in proofing solar panels to get rid of pigeons and possums using our proven proofing product. In the longer run it is much cheaper to exclude the unwanted visitors as that reduces future maintenance costs and ensures that the efficiency of power conversion from the sun is not reduced, saving you money on your power bill!
As experienced, registered pest controllers, we are also able to combine this solar panel proofing with legal chemical treatments to get rid of pigeons and reduce the bird numbers, if needed.
To find out more about how our solar panel proofing can save you money in the long run and stop unwanted guests sheltering on your roof, complete the form or call us on (07) 3250 1111.
The Cost of Solar Panel Proofing
We use a high quality product that can also be removed if any maintenance or repairs are required in the future. The cost varies, depending on the amount of panels, configuration on your roof and whether a clean is required before the proofing is installed. An average job is often between $700-1500, it could cost more if there are a lot of panels, and it depends how long the birds have been there if a clean and or treatment are also required. We do offer quotes to give you an accurate cost for your home.
Why Pigeons love Solar Panels
So what’s the attraction for pigeons and other birds to shelter and nest under solar panels? They are attracted to sheltered places to get protection from the sun whilst having a high place to perch and then will use the space under the panels to build a nest.
Regular visits from birds create a mess on top of the panels, reducing their efficiency. However a more serious issue is the accumulation of nesting material and droppings underneath the panels.
Their droppings are corrosive. There is also a serious risk of increased electrolysis between different metals: the aluminium solar panels, stainless steel bolts and the metal of the roof sheeting. This occurs because the debris retains moisture and also forms a bridge that can bypass the insulators and fittings that are installed to prevent electrolysis.
On both metal and tiled roofs, the accumulated nest debris and droppings will also attract insects such as beetles and cockroaches to breed on your roof (and then enter the house). Eventually gutters and drains will be blocked and corroded, allowing water to leak and overflow from the gutters.
If birds on solar panels are allowed to successfully rear their young, even more birds will come back to the same building in the following breeding season.
Possum Proofing Solar Panels
Possums view solar panels as excellent areas to shelter and will often nest underneath. They are attracted to the panels as they provide a safe, sheltered location and will happily live and nest in such places on top of the roof. Unfortunately they are guaranteed to make a mess under the panels and can often chew the wires leading to safety hazards for your family and expensive repair bills.
At Peter the Possum and Bird Man we use a reliable, quality method of excluding the possums from under the panels and have installed this type of proofing on many properties around Brisbane. The product we use is stainless steel black UV coated wire mesh with UV stable nylon retainer hooks and washers. It clips onto the panels so you can remove a section for servicing if required, and it does not screw into the panels so does not void your panel warranty. Our product also allows excellent water and airflow under the panels to avoid heat build-up.
Possum nests will be removed before the mesh is fitted and if there is significant mess created by possums or birds, we will usually provide a quote to pressure wash the roof before the solar panel proofing is installed.
Call Us for a Quote for Solar Panel Proofing
Contact our office during work hours for further advice or complete the online application form and we will call you back to organise an obligation free* quote to discuss your solar panel proofing requirements.

Pigeon droppings under solar panels

Pigeon droppings under solar panels
If you are a tenant, unfortunately we do need the owner’s permission to conduct any proofing work at the property, as it is structural work on the house. We would prefer if the owner is aware of the issue and requests the inspection from us directly so we know they are willing to consider our quote.
Why have I got possums and pigeons under my solar panels?
Solar panels offer a great habitat for pigeons and possums. They offer safety, shelter from the elements, and a high vantage point away from predators. The space left underneath your solar panel installation is often a perfect height for unwanted visitors to nest, and once there the problems begin.
Why should I have them removed?
Once pigeons and possums call your solar panels home they will begin to make mess, either via droppings or nesting materials. Pigeon droppings are corrosive, and will increase the risk of electrolysis between the metals in the installation. Possums love to chew wires, leading to a safety hazard on your roof as well as unwanted repair bills. Nests breed insects and mites that can easily make their way down into your roof space, and loose nesting material can end up blocking gutters.
How do you proof my solar panels?
Our quality and reliable solar panel proofing method is highly effective in excluding possums and pigeons from beneath your solar panels. It consists of a stainless steel black UV coated wire mesh with UV stable nylon retainer hooks. This means excellent airflow and water flow beneath the panels to assist with optimal panel performance.
Will solar panel proofing void my warranty?
Not at all. Our solar panel proofing method has been tried and tested on many Brisbane rooftops. It is a clip based system that enables easy removal for maintenance, and as it doesn’t screw into the panel itself, there’s no warranty worries.
Will my power efficiency be reduced?
No. In much the same way as the solar panel proofing method doesn’t affect the warranty; it also doesn’t interfere with the panel’s power conversion ability. If anything, our system’s ability to eliminate possums and pigeons from your solar panels will avoid any damage they may cause and reduce future maintenance costs.